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Set your project gears in motion by contacting the casting manufacturing experts at Pine Cellar Mfg. No matter where you are in your production cycle, we make it easy to complete your casting project.
Let's Talk Machining!Custom designs demand accuracy and attention to detail. The complex shapes can be difficult to create and sometimes limit the machine shop to their basic capabilities. Pine Cellar Mfg sets itself apart from other milling shops. Our Big Bend machine shop provides milling services for delicate shaping and surface removal.
We’re not about jacking up prices for tiny-budget projects – our professionals use high-end machine milling tools to finish any size of complex design.
Pine Cellar Mfg mills complex parts of any size to exact specifications. Our advanced milling machine technology gives us the freedom to work with varied designs, and complete within a crucial timeline.
We professionally mill a variety of custom projects with the following milling machines:
From custom projects to intricate designs, Pine Cellar Mfg has the right milling technology to get the job done.